Testing and Assessment
The California Department of Education (cde) recently released the results of the new on-line assessment of student achievement called the CAASPP which stands for the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress. CDE News Release, Cal School News
In the Spring of 2018, Oakley Union Elementary School District’s students in grades 3-8, took the Smarter Balanced on-line test which is part of CAASPP. The assessment measures student achievement in English Language Arts and Mathematics. Scores fall into one of four achievement levels: standard exceeded, standard met, standard nearly met, and standard not met. Click here to view Oakley's Smarter Balanced results.
CAASPP results are also reported on the new CA Dashboard, which displays the performance of schools and student groups on a set of state and local measures to identify strengths, weaknesses, and areas in need of improvement.
Individual student reports are also mailed to parents. For more information on how to read and understanding the student reports, visit Understanding CAASPP Student Score Reports.
Oakley's CAASPP results which includes information about suspensions, academic performance, and achievement for English Learners, reveals the following:
Suspension: The rate of student suspensions is declining which means students are being suspended less often. This is a positive indication that district and school-wide efforts to create safe schools, maintain positive school climates, and promote alternatives to suspension are helping our scholars to remain in school.
English Learners: The progress of students for whom English is not their primary language is an area of growth. The rate by which these students are developing proficiency in English declined compared to the previous year’s status. To address this concern, we are focusing our professional development for teachers on integrated and designated English Language Development, providing targeted academic interventions for students, and implementing strategies and educational practices designed to promote growth for these learners.
English Language Arts and Math: For all students and nearly all subgroups, scores in this area increased or maintained as compared to the previous year.
For more information, visit the CAASPP Test Results page to view and compare results among schools, districts, and counties along with statewide results.