Welcome to Fiscal Services!

The Accounting and Fiscal department manages the following aspects of school finance:


  • Ensure that financial reporting is accurate and relevant

  • Track budget to actual financial position

  • Prepare fiscal reports to federal, state and local entities

  • Processing all District revenue and non-payroll expenditures

  • Collect Developer Fees


  • Contract procurement and management

  • Certificates of Insurance

  • Requests for Proposals


  • Maximize use of financial resources in pursuit of District Vision, Mission, and Priorities

  • Ensure long term fiscal sustainability and solvency


  • Provide schools and departments with goods and services

  • Ensure procurement laws are followed and secures the most cost effective prices for goods and services

Risk Management:

  • Identify and evaluate risks and potential loss exposure

  • Ensure health and safety of all students and staff

  • Personal Property Loss/Damage

  • District Owned Property Loss/Damage

  • Insurance claims

  • Vandalism Reports

  • Fixed asset management

  • Monitor facility use requests

Accounting Supervisor

Michelle Hansen
(925) 625-7145
Email Michelle Hansen

Account Technician - Accounts Receivable

Kenya Curiel
(925) 625-7149
Email Kenya Curiel

Account Technician - Accounts Payable

Joey Becker
(925) 625-5057
Email Joey Becker

Purchasing Agent

Rebecca Duran
(925) 625-7146
Email Rebecca Duran