Welcome to Special Education Services!
Special Education is a specialized instruction provided for children from birth to age 22 who qualify according to the laws and regulations outlined in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA 2004). A student may qualify for Special Education services as an individual with special needs in one of the following areas: Deaf/hard of hearing, Deaf-Blind, Visually impaired, Speech-Language impaired, Specific Learning Disability, Orthopedically impaired, Intellectually Disabled, Emotionally Disturbed, Autism, Traumatic Brain Injury, and Other Health Impaired. A student receives support from Special Education as identified on his/her Individual Education Plan.
Oakley Union Elementary School District offers a continuum of Special Education support which includes: push-in, resource, learning center and Special Day Classes.
At each IEP meeting, the team is required to consider a continuum of options for service, beginning with the least restrictive. Their job is to determine which combination of services provides the required benefits with the least restriction in environment. Federal law requires that the placement be as close as possible to the child’s home, and that the child is educated in the school he or she would attend if non-disable, unless the IEP team determines that the child requires some other arrangements.
Debbie Mattes
Director of Special Education
(925) 625-7059
Email Debbie Mattes
Erica Curiel
Program Specialist
(925) 625-7060
Email Erica Curiel
Ashley Hayes
Program Specialist
(925) 625-7060
Email Ashley Hayes
Pamela Brown
(925) 625-7060
Email Pamela Brown
Matthew Kolej
District Behaviorist
(925) 625-7060
Email Matthew Kolej
Alana Lindsay
District Behaviorist
(925) 625-7060
Email Alana Lindsay