Oakley's first public school dates back to 1862 when Sarah Sellers, one of Oakley's first settlers opened the original Iron House School. In 2006 the district opened its first new school in over 15 years naming it Iron House as tribute to our past. Almond Grove Elementary was opened in 2014 as the local economy rebounded from the recession that severely effected our local economy. In addition to Almond Grove, the district operates 5 other K-5 schools and two 6-8 middle schools. All schools operate on a modified traditional (MT) school calendar. Upon completion of 8th grade, our students feed into Freedom High School which is part of the Liberty Union High School District.
Thanks to the support of our community Measure H was passed in November 2004, providing funds to build Iron House Elementary School, Almond Grove Elementary School and the modernization of Oakley Elementary School and Gehringer Elementary School. Iron House was opened in 2006, on time and on budget. Almond Grove was opened in 2014 and then Summer Lake Elementary was finally opened in 2021.
We believe that once the housing market and economy turn around the district will experience immediate and expansive growth. The district could double in size over the next 8 to 10 years. Plans are being made to build 5 additional elementary schools and two additional middle schools. In fact in 2007-08 the district was successful in obtaining special funding from the State of California to purchase a 10-acre elementary site and a 25 acre middle school site.
We are firmly committed to quality instruction and continually seek ways to improve teaching techniques and services to our students. Oakley School District is blessed with more than 600 very positive and professional certificated and classified staff dedicated to servicing our diverse student population of just over 5,000 students. They provide a friendly environment that promotes self-confidence and successful performance among our students.