Board of Trustees


December 18, 2024 (Organizational & Regular Meeting)

Regular Location: Laurel Elementary School - Multipurpose Room
Time: 6:00 PM

The Meeting will be Livestreamed via Webex

Meeting ID: 2487 774 7025
Password: oakley

Board Policies & Administrative Regulations

The Board of Trustees has placed the Board Policies and Administrative Regulations online with the following link: Electronic Board Policy Manual.

OUESD Board of Trustees:

Sherry Seat

Sherry Seat

Area 1
Email Sherry Seat
(Term ends 2024)

Ann Corridon

Ann Corridon 

Area 3
Email Ann Corridon 
(Term ends 2026)

Paul DiDonato

Paul DiDonato

Area 5
Email Paul DiDonato
(Term ends 2026)

Lynell Fuller

Lynell Fuller

Area 2
Email Lynell Fuller
(Term ends 2024)

Craig Pearson

Craig Pearson  

Area 4
Email Craig Pearson  
(Term ends 2026)

Trustee Areas Map

Additional information to help identify your Area is available on the Contra Costa County Elections website.
(Search by name or address, select My District, then the Schools tab.) 

Resolution: Adoption of the By-Trustee Area Election Process
Resolution 2018-19#51: Establish Trustee Areas and By-Trustee Election Process (PDF)

The OUESD Board of Trustees typically meets on the first and third Wednesday of each month* at the Laurel Elementary School MPR located at 1141 Laurel Avenue.  Board Meetings usually begin at 6:00 p.m. 

The Board of Trustees encourages input from all Oakley Union Elementary School District Community members.  The Board of Trustees meetings are open to the public and all are welcome to comment under the Public Comment section.  Comment cards are available near the sign-in sheet at every meeting. 

Public Comments may also be submitted electronically, via email, to 
and must be received no later than 3:00 pm on the day of the Board Meeting. E-mail submissions must be clearly noted as Public Comment in the Subject. E-mailed comments will be provided to the Board and included in the meeting minutes. E-mailed comments will not be read aloud during the meeting.

Individuals who require special accommodation (American Sign Language interpreter, reader, assistive listening device, note taker, taped text, Braille or large print materials, accessible seating, etc.) should contact the Superintendent’s office at least five (5) business days prior to the meeting at 925-625-5050.

*This schedule can change if the third Wednesday of the month falls on a Holiday or during a school break. 

**With the exception of large agenda items noted as large on the agenda.  Hard copies of those exhibits are available for review at the District Office and the O'Hara Park Middle School Library.

Meeting Schedule & Archive: