Elementary Supports

Educational Resources

Wide Open School
Activities for all aspects of life including creative, academic, exercise, life skills and much more.

Khan Academy
Expert created content and resources for every course and level - Always Free. 

50 Books all Kids Should Read
Common Sense Media Editors help you choose 50 books Kids Should Read Before They're 12.

Brain pop
Sign up for free access during school closure - all subjects all ages interactive activities.

PBS Kids
Free games and activities for kids

Social Emotional Resources

Calming Anxiety: Coping Skills
Kid tested strategies used by child therapists for calming anxiety, including resources, books & videos.

Mind Yeti
Research-based videos to help kids calm their minds & connect to the world around them.

Teachable Moments
Article: Have you caught coronavirus panic? Stop your stress and mentally reset!

Coronavirus Stress Activities
An activity booklet to help with stress for kids K - 2nd grade

Coronavirus Stress Activities
An activity booklet to help with stress for kids grades 3-5

Lion's Quest
Activities to help engage and support students and reduce stress during these difficult times.

MindUp Lessons
Watch full mindup lessons or look for Mindup at home on the tool bar for more videos

Captain Compassion
You have the power to prevent bullying - Activate you bystander power!

School of Belonging
Songs and Activities relating to social emotional topics to listen to and discuss


Live Science
FUN Activities and online resources for homebound kids.

Cosmic Yoga for Kids
Youtuve library full of story based yoga and mindfulness for kids. There is also an APP!

30 Easy Recipes Your Kids Can Make All By Themselves

My 2020 Covid 19 time capsule
Activities to make a time capsule about what it is like living during this time.

Indoor and Outdoor Activities
Activities to keep kids active during social distancing

Podcast for Kids
26 Best Podcasts for Students in Elementary and Middle School

Art Projects
40 of the Best Art Projects for Kids - By Left Brain, Craft Brain

Academy @ Home
An Array of science-centric games, videos, and DIY projects.

Metropaliton Museum of Art
Explore museums or go back in time to learn about art from different time periods.

Wonderful recipe ideas
Range of recipe ideas from main courses to cookies to dips to appetizers. Try some new recipes at home.


CDC - Caring For Children
Tips to keep children healthy while school’s out during Coronavirus Pandemic.

10 Tips in talking COVID-19 with Kids
If you are a parent or caregiver and feeling unsure about what to share, how much to say, and ways to navigate COVID-19.

What Kids want to know about COVID19
Just 4 Kids: You may have heard "coronavirus". You probably have a lot of questions. Check out our Comic to get some answers.

Time to come in Bear
A social distancing story

Global Game Changers
Covid-19 resources to help have some of the difficult discussions with your kids plus other fun activites