Enrollment and Transfers

Attendance Boundaries And Maps

District Map (PDF)

To check which school your student will attend by address, please visit the Interactive Map web page. 

You can contact your assigned school site directly with any questions you may have.

Note: For those families living west of Empire Avenue in Oakley, you are currently in the Antioch Unified School District. For more information, call (925) 779-7500. 


Enrollment is for students who are new to the school district. Enrollment occurs throughout the school year when a new student is going to begin attending an OUESD School. Students will be enrolled in the district once and automatically enrolled each year. Student enrollment is handled by the School of Residence. Please begin the process by going to your school of residence directly.

The following documentation is required for all enrollments:

  • Enrollment Packet

  • Current immunization records

  • Birth certificate (Original only, no copies)

  • Two current proofs of residence (utility bills, escrow papers, property tax bill)

  • Additional forms can be found on the Forms and Policies Page

Please be advised that because we are a growing community, placement at your neighborhood school may not be possible. While we can assure you placement within our school district, we cannot guarantee placement at your neighborhood school.

Note: For those families living west of Empire Avenue in Oakley, you are currently in the Antioch Unified School District. For more information, call (925) 779-7500.

2025-2026 TK / Kindergarten Registration

Students must be 5 on or before Sept. 1, 2025, to attend kindergarten for the 2025-26 school year. Students who will have their 4th birthday by September 1st of the upcoming school year are eligible for TK (transitional kindergarten). The district will not know which sites will have TK classes until late spring. 

Registration occurs in February. Please schedule an appointment at your school of residence.

English   |   Español



Intra-district transfers are transfers between two schools within the boundaries of our District. To begin this process, you will complete the Intra-district Transfer request form below. You will need to include the name of the school your student should be attending, based on your address, and the name of the school you would like your student to attend.  (You can use the interactive map above to help determine what should your child should be attending based on your address.)  

For transfer requests for students entering grades K through 5, you can email the completed transfer form to transfers@ouesd.k12.ca.us.  Please make sure the words Intra-district Transfer Request are in the subject line. Alternatively, you can drop it off at our District Office.  Once a student is placed at a school through the Intra-district Transfer process, the student will not need to reapply on an annual basis as long as they are continuing at the same school. 

For transfer requests for students entering grades 6 through 8, submit the transfer request to your school of residence.  For example, if you live in the O’Hara Park attendance area but would like your student to attend Delta Vista, you would submit the completed transfer request form to O’Hara Park. 

Please note that the District reserves the right to deny or revoke an intra-district transfer, at any time, if:

  • Class size enrollment at the school of attendance exceeds class size limitations; or

  • Causes any walking distance student to be unable to attend their school or residence; or

  • Behavior, attendance and/or effort fail to meet the standards of the requested school.

Intra-district transfer decisions are final; there are no appeal rights to these decisions.

   > Intra-District Transfer Form (Fillable PDF)


Inter-district transfers are transfers between two districts. These transfers are initiated at your District of Residence.  (The District in which you live.)

Inter-district Transfers into OUESD:
There are two documents needed to request a transfer into OUESD and the process begins with your home district.  The first is the inter-district transfer request form from the district in which you live.  You will need to contact that District and complete and submit the form to them for approval. Once this is approved by your home district, please submit all copies to the Oakley District Office via email to transfers@ouesd.k12.ca.us.  (Please check with your home district, they may have a process in place where they already send it to our district.)

The second document you need to submit is the completed Student Contract/ School Preference Form (see below).  Please click on the link below to download and complete the form.  The completed form should be emailed to transfers@ouesd.k12.ca.us  Board Policy and accompanying Administrative Regulation requires that all student(s) under an inter-district transfer agreement and his/her parent/guardian sign this contract.  This form will also allow us to attempt to place students based on your preference.  However, a student who is attending a District school under an inter-district permit shall not attend any school at the expense of a child who resides in the district. You must return this signed contract to the OUESD District Office regardless of your reason for requesting a transfer.  (Please do not submit this form to your district of residence; it comes directly back to the Oakley office.)

The deadline for all applications for inter-district transfers must be submitted on or before March 14, 2025 to be considered for the 2025-26 school year. 

  > Inter-district Student Contract  (Fillable PDF)

  > Contrato de estudiante para transferencia entre distritos (PDF)

Inter-district Transfers OUT of OUESD:

Pursuant to Board Policy 5117, transfers out of the district shall be denied to the extent permitted by law, except as follows:

  1. To accommodate a request by a parent/guardian due to the place of employment of the parent/guardian. Parent/guardian must submit proof of employment within the boundaries of the district they are requesting the student attend.

  2. To accommodate a request by a parent/guardian to accommodate the childcare needs of the student. Parent/guardian must submit proof of childcare within the boundaries of the district they are requesting the student attend.

  3. Under exceptional circumstances at the discretion of the Superintendent or designee.

  4. Transfers may only be approved for the school year for which the application was submitted in order to allow a student who recently moved to the District to finish the school year at the school the student was attending before the move.

The form to request a transfer to leave the District is available below. Please download the form, complete it and email to transfers@ouesd.k12.ca.us  You must attach proof of the reason for the request (see 1-4 above). Transfers without appropriate documentation will be denied.

Transfers out of the District will be reviewed on an ongoing basis so please plan accordingly. Approved transfers will be automatically forwarded to the requested district for processing. You will be contacted via email regarding any transfer that is denied.

  > Inter-District Transfer Form (Fillable PDF)

  > Solicitud de Transferencia Interdistrital (PDF rellenable)

  > Childcare Affidavit (Fillable PDF) 

OUESD will begin accepting inter-district transfers in and out of the District on February 1, 2025. 

Please feel free to contact Heather Partida with any questions regarding inter-district transfers at transfers@ouesd.k12.ca.us

Board Policy 5117 - Inter-district Attendance
Administrative Regulation 5117 - Inter-district Attendance

Liberty Union High School 2024-2025 School Yr. Inter-district & Intra-district Transfers: