Developer Fees
The Board of Trustees of the Oakley Union Elementary School District has adopted and imposed statutory school facility fees pursuant to Education Code Section 17620 for all new residential and commercial construction within the boundaries of the District.
Please be aware that there is a portion of the City of Oakley that falls within the boundaries of the Antioch Unified School District. Before you contact the Oakley District to pay any facility fees, please confirm that your property is within the boundaries of our district. In most cases, Empire Avenue serves as the border between the Antioch and Oakley School Districts.
The current rate for residential construction is $3.62 per square foot.
The current rate for commercial construction is $.588 per square foot.
School Facility Needs Analysis_2020 (PDF) - approved April 3, 2024
Public Hearing Notice
Questions On Developer Fees?
Contact Lynelle Russell for questions on developer fees. Lynelle can be reached at 925-625-6842.