Welcome to Maintenance and Operations Services!
Bids and Requests for Proposals
As of October 2023, OUESD has moved to digital submission of bids! Click the link to view Bids and Requests for Proposals.
Facility Rental and Use
The Oakley Union Elementary School District Maintenance and Operations staff is committed to providing the highest level of service to our teaching professionals, administrators, staff and students. Our primary goal is to provide a safe, healthy and comfortable environment that enhances the ability of the District to provide a quality education. Our skilled and diverse staff takes pride in properly maintaining and enhancing the facilities and grounds of the District.
California Uniform Public Construction Cost Accounting Act
CUPCCAA Public Notice - 2023 (PDF)
The Oakley Union Elementary School District adopted the California Uniform Public Construction cost Accounting Act (CUPCCAA) Procedures. The District invites all licensed contractors, who are registered with the Department of Industrial Relations to perform public works projects, to apply for inclusion on the District’s list of qualified contractors for the 2023 calendar year. All applications will be accepted through QualityBidders, which can be found HERE or scan the QR code below!
Beginning July 15, 2023, all previously registered contractors must create an account on Quality Bidders to be registered on OUESDs CUPCCAA list.

The Oakley Union Elementary School District has moved to digital submission of bids! Please click HERE to register for an account on our SecureBids platform. Contractors must have an account in QualityBidders AND SecureBids to submit bids on a project.

Heath and Safety
Director of Facilities & Construction
Charlie Aubert
Facilities Supervisor
Leo Ibarra
(925) 625-5203
Shipping/Receiving Clerk
Pam Carini
(925) 625-7065